About AESCrypt encrypted file format.
3 Octets - 'AES'
1 Octet - 0x02 (Version)
1 Octet - Reserved (set to 0x00)
.... Start of repeating extension block section
2 Octet - Length in octets (in network byte order) of an extension
identifier and contents. If 0x0000, then no further
extensions exist and the next octet is the start of the
Initialization Vector (IV). Following an extension,
this length indicator would appear again to indicate
presence or absence of another extension and the size of
any such extension.
nn Octets - Extension identifier. This is either a URI or an
identifier defined by the AES developer community and
documented on the standard extensions page, either
of which is terminated by a single 0x00 octet. All
extension identifiers are case sensitive.
MirrorFolder inserts the following URI:
Then the following fields:
8 Octets - File size in bytes.
8 Octets - File modification time in Windows UTC format.
8 Octets - File creation time in Windows UTC format.
A URI was used to allow anybody to define extension
types, though we should strive to define a standard
set of extensions.
Examples of standard extension identifiers:
A special extension is defined that has no name, but is
merely a "container" for extensions to be added after the
AES file is initially created. Such an extension avoids
the need to read and re-write the entire file in order to
add a small extension. Software tools that create AES
files should insert a 128-octet "container" extension,
placing a 0x00 in the first octet of the extension
identifier field. Developers may then insert extensions
into this "container" area and reduce the size of this
"container" as necessary. If larger extensions are added
or the "container" area is filled entirely, then reading
and re-writing the entire file would be necessary to add
additional extensions.
nn Octets - The contents of the extension
.... End of repeating extension block section
16 Octets - Initialization Vector (IV) used for encrypting the
IV and symmetric key that is actually used to encrypt
the bulk of the plaintext file.
48 Octets - Encrypted IV and 256-bit AES key used to encrypt the
bulk of the file
16 octets - initialization vector
32 octets - encryption key
32 Octets - HMAC
nn Octets - Encrypted message (2^64 octets max)
1 Octet - File size modulo 16 in least significant bit positions
32 Octets - HMAC
About AES-GCM encrypted file format.
3 Octets - 'AEG'
1 Octet - 0x01 (Version)
2 Octets - Two bytes unsigned integer in little-endian order, representing the
total size of the encryption information block and the file meta-data
block in bytes. Encrypted file data starts at the end of this block.
MirrorFolder uses a 4096 bytes fixed-size block for it now.
1 Octet - Length of the key derivation and encryption algorithm names in bytes.
nn Octets - Name of the key derivation algorithm followed by its parameters
separated by commas. Then the name of the encryption algorithm
proceeded by a semicolon. Currently, MirrorFolder uses PBKDF2 with
10,000 iterations for key derivation and AES-256/GCM as encryption
algorithm. So, this string will look like:
1 Octet - Length of the salt in bytes to follow.
nn Octets - An array of salt bytes. MirrorFolder currently uses a 16-byte salt.
2 Octets - Length of the encrypted meta-data in bytes including a 16-byte HMAC.
This is a 2-byte unsigned integer in little-endian order.
nn Octets - Encrypted meta-data for the file. MirrorFoler currently saves the
following meta-data as a key/value pair for a file.
date_modified - The last modification time for a file.
date_created - The creation time for a file.
file_size - The file size in bytes.
file_name - The file name in UTF-8 character set.
These meta-data is encrypted and saved with its HMAC value.
MirrorFolder uses he proceeding encryption information block
as associated data when calculating the HMAC.
nn Octets - Encrypted file data in 4096 octets blocks. The last block
can be less than 4096 octets.
64 Octets - Footer block to be appended to the last encrypted block as
associated data. First two octets contains the length of
this block. Then the key derivation and encryption algorithm
names followed by the salts just as they are in the file header.